Abolitionists Rising Store
We The People Demand Abolition Trifold
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Over 75 million preborn human beings have been murdered by abortion in The United States of America. These murders have been committed under the color of unjust laws and iniquitous decrees. Our nation is guilty before God and must repent.
Within this trifold are examples of what must be done to begin the process of politically and practically Repenting of our National Sin of Child Sacrifice. Here you will find a model Executive Order for the President, Legislative Act for Congress, and Constitutional Mandates for the Supreme Court.
✓ The President of the United States must issue an executive order in accordance with the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution directing all federal agencies under his command to treat preborn human beings as people who must be provided the equal protection of the law.
✓ Congress must pass legislation abolishing abortion as murder by explicitly providing preborn children the equal protection of the laws throughout the United States.
✓ Federal courts must rightly interpret and apply the U.S. Constitution by ruling that preborn children are people for purposes of the 14th Amendment, and that they must be provided the equal protection of the law.
✓ While the 14th amendment--rightly understood and applied--prohibits abortion and is all the justification that current governing officials need to abolish abortion, the U.S. Constitution should be amended to clearly and explicitly abolish abortion in the United States based on a recognition of the objective truth that human life begins at conception/fertilization.
If this is your demand, please help us to overwhelm these United States by flooding the culture with these trifolds, calling all three branches of the government, along with the lesser magistrates under them to establish justice and correct oppression.