Abortion Is Murder And Everybody Knows It

Abortion Is Murder And Everybody Knows It

Even in a less technologically advanced age, the suggestion that life begins anywhere but conception is such an absurd proposition that it’s unlikely most who say it even believe it. A 1963 pamphle...
Abortion Can Be Abolished State-By-State

Abortion Can Be Abolished State-By-State

One of the primary differences between pro-lifers and abolitionists is the disagreement regarding whether the supreme court – or any governing entity – has the authority to make murder legal. For t...
Crimes Against Humanity Are Never Legally Binding

Crimes Against Humanity Are Never Legally Binding

When Nazi war criminals went before an international court in Nuremberg, the primary legal defenses were versions of “befehl ist befehl” – “an order is an order” or “I was just following orders.”...